Thursday, June 17, 2010

ok well, I can't get the pics to work from my phone but I promise some day I'll get them up bc there are a ton of them that Delese and Shawn and I took of people in San Antonio...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

so I've decided to photoblog out trip to San antonio, it's coming soon!!!
good end to a bad day! :)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

worst day in a long time...

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

today was good, sleep couldve been better but it was ok. then I took a shower and did my hair and got dressed and went shoppin, got a new pair of zebra flats and new black flip flops from dsw. then I dropped of julies bowl and told the fam I loved them and headed with the flop of the yr bday cake to jarrods house. he's so sweet and was so nice and even fixed the cake that the top layer slid off. he ate some and i had a bite and it was pretty good. then we watched a movie called fletch lives and it was funny, and then we just hung out with his roommate a lil outside, it was nice!
I had a good time and I really like him!
:D hbc