Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Ok so here's the truth, i needed to lose weight BAD!!!! I got on the scale and it said 235 and i just about died, and decided it was time to get serious about losing weight. I have tried everything guys, healthy food and exercise, crazy hard exercise everyday (can i get an amen from the P90X'ers of the world) and starving myself. I have done slim fast, and weight watchers, and calorie counting, and diet pills...the whole nine yards! i was having a little but of success after about a year of really bustin my butt everyday, but its such a slow and painful process right...WRONG! it doesnt have to be, and now that i have found the answer i want to share it with everyone i know that feels the way i did.

Here's how it happened for me:
My aunt and uncle invited me to go skiing with them in mid febuary, and we had a blast! what i didnt know was that they had both just joined a weight loss challenge where they would take these products from a nutrition company and supposedly it would just melt the weight off in a healthy manner. without exercise. I was like HA! ok lets see this! long story short, she won 4th place and he got 7th out of 105 poeple and they each won $100 cash! they lost 16 & 18 lbs in 28 days. Then my other aunt, two uncles, and grandmother in dallas got on the products and were having similiar results, except lisa and steve got 1st place and 2nd place in their challange. So finally i get to thinking about it and decide i'll give it a try bc i dont want my family to all pass me up when i have been working so hard for so long!

Here's the program:
2 meal replacement shakes a day, 4 cups of tea,8 glasses, of water, and take an herbal supplement to burn belly fat 3 times a day, and eat a sensible and colorful meal for dinner... i was like ok, i can handle that for at least 28 days and joined a challenge. All i do is have my shakes (which unlike slimfast actually taste good and come with recipes so you can change up the flavor and not get sick of em) and make sure i eat enough protein everyday and stay away from sugar, splenda and sweet n low are ok.

Its not over yet but i have lost over 10 lbs in 2 weeks AND COUNTING!!! heres the best part of this whole thing to me: IM NOT HUNGRY ANYMORE!!!!! actually sometimes i have to force myself to eat to get in the protein. :)

Anyways, guys its totally worth it and i just wanted to share it with you bc it really is working for me and id love to hook you up with some healthy weight loss and success like what i have found for myself! :) let me know if youre interested or have any questions and id be happy to talk to you about it more.

the proof is in the pic, check out my photos to see how fat i was and how not fat i am now! :)

love yall,

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